The name Siem Reap means the "Defeat of Siam" today's Thailand. Pol pot was the leader of the Cambodian communist movement known as the Khmers Rouge and he became the leader of Cambodia in mid-1975. Angkor wat is the central feature containing the magnificant remains of the Khmers civilisation and is one of the seven wonders in Cambodian now. I think that the structures there are very beautiful and that is one of the reason why i want to go for this Cambodia Cip trip. Cambodia is the country because people there are less fortunate and we need to "provide" them a key so as to motivate and inspire them to move on. They may be poor but thay are equally happy as us because the people there showering love to them at all times. I really can't wait to go there and experience everything myself .
Leah Sen Heuy,
(goodbye in Khmer in informal form.)
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