This is jonathan our overall OIC :D
this is zong xuan :D

This is my group , the forker's! cheer's!

this is edmunds group!

back to my group!~

oops! y are the two boy's playing while faye do the work only? ohoh!

samuel :S

a bit blur! but still can see it is faye' group.

hoho! the game plan :D

hmmm i wonder what they are talking about.

weiling's group! :D

game plan number 2!

game plan number 3!

hmmmm this photo is taken during our trip to TTSH.

i saw kaijie looking at syafiq butt. syafiq doing his work in style!

handsome edmund right?

hmmmm jia sheng arh why only you never look on the camara?

everyone's thinking :D

game plan number 4!

he look fierce to me.

this is me , jonathan syafiq and zong xuan!

typing their plan on the laptop :D

smile la edmund !

only alex notice i took the picture. :D

weiling's group!

group Alpha!

faye lai :D

ivan fall asleep while taking the photo!

posted by damien!
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