Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Hello! the blog is not dead yet =)
here are some pictures of us!
do keep the blog alive!
haha i'm lazy to wait for more uploading pictures o.o post again soon! =D
ahh =( cant enlarge pictures now.
Take care!
God bless!
Chen Shan.=)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Our Sweaty Proud Moments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Firstly very sorry that I have handed this up late..
DAY 1-4
Day 1
When I first reached Cambodia, I find the place very cooling. I was excited when i found out that the weather will be like that for the next few days too. Nothing much for the first day but something made an impact on my life, which is the farm orphanage. When I first saw them, I really felt that I am really lucky to have all the things around me. I was also shocked that they all stood outside to welcome all of us. The children there were all very friendly and all of us made friends with them. One person that I cannot forget is M, sorry if I had used a M for your name. He is the first person that came and make friends with me during the trip. After quite a long time of spending time together, it was our turn to do something for them, we gave out a few shirts and pants to all of them and I could see the happiness in thier faces. After that, it was time for us to leave, some of us cried but all of us were unwilling to leave the place. At last we left, some of the children there chase after our bus, especially M. Till this day on, i still cannot forget him and if there is a chance, I would like to see him again!
Day 2
After waking up from the comfortable bed we slept on, it was time for our breakfast. I hate the person who cooked my scramble egg. instead of not putting any capsicum, he added more to it, I had no choice but to eat it. After breakfast, we went to Krobei Real Primary School, it was a school which could be said as have completed school. When we reached there, the first thing we did was teaching them the basics of english, but it was then I knew that they have already known about it, so the teaching we did was actually useless. Next we gave out some clothings and other things to them, but I was shocked when Miss Sem just took out a ruler and around 50 students crowded around her and trying to snatch it. Next it was the cleaning out tables and chairs. We took quit awhile to clean all the tables and chairs and clearing the useless stuffs as it was too dirty. After that, it was the painting of walls. Its was the most tiring but most exciting thing that we did to help the school. After the second day of work, the paintings of the school were 70% done.
This day was the worst day ever during the trip. Almost all of us went ill. Down with fever and vomit, we are not able to finsih the job in school, I regretted it. But still we have no choice but to rest for almost the whole day, and something interesting happened at night. THE NIGHT MARKET was where we went at night. And with the help of our bargain King SHAIK and bargain Queen EUNICE, we bought lots of things.
This is the day I will never forget. Even though I dont feel very good that day, I was very delighted to get a chance to see Ang Kor Wat temple, once of the 7 wonders in the world. OMG it was truly Fascinating. First we went to the Bayon temple which have lots of faces carved on it. I was wondering how did the ''PROS'' did it, too unbelievable. Touring around just a temple was already quite tiring, next we went to the jungle temple. Huge trees covering some of parts of the temple. It was truly exciting. The biggest temple I had ever seen in the 15 years of my life was the Ang Kor Wat temple!! The ''Five Cap'' at the top of the temple made it very special and the inner carvings on the wall made it more interesting. There was even a big ''Bathtub'' inside the temple. After the tour we went to the Tonle Sap Lake. The biggest lake I have seen. Looking at people living on the floating houses and bathing in the dirty water, I really pity them. One thing that made me find it very interesting, is the floating basketball court. Later on we sat on the boat and we went to see the sunset. After the tiring day, we went for dinner. I didi not have any appetite, so I ate very little. During dinner, there were also people dancing their traditional dances on stage, after that back to the hotel.... ZZzz..
I will not talk about day 5 as there is nothing much and bad day for me too..
Thats all I have, thanks and byes :D
Sunday, November 22, 2009
For The Second Day:
Most of the day were spent doing CIP such as cleaning the tables, building a toilet, picking up litter and painting the walls of the classrooms. Before that, we also taught the class the basics of ABC and 123, but they seem to know everything beforehand. My group's job was to paint the walls and so we painted walls, and maybe this would look good on the wall?

Even though it was pretty tiring and it made us sweat a lot, it is still quite fun when doing it. Even though it dirtied our shirt and pants, it was all worth it as we would be able to get back quite a number of smiles from the children studying there in return. =]
For The Third Day:
The plan for this day was actually to complete the painting that was not completed the day before, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, we were not able to. Some of us fell sick
that day and so the teachers gave us time to rest and to recuperate. As a result, the wall painting is only 70% completed. So i hope that the teachers will bring another batch of students to Cambodia to finish the unfinished job. Hopefully, they do not fall sick too. =]
For The Fourth Day:
Most of us were feeling much better after listening to the teachers' advice of drinking more water and eating food. So we went to visit The Bayon Temple first. Over there, we were able to hitch a ride from the elephants there. It was very fun as it was my first time siting on an elephant and we toured around The Bayon Temple. Then, we headed on to the Ankor Wat Temple, one of the 7 Wonders of the world. It is humongous and I am very amazed by the fact that the temple was built without using any machinery, but just bare hands. Lastly, we went to hitch a boat ride to tour around Ton Le Sap Lake. The boat ride was simple, but we got to see how people lived on the waters. We even got to see a very beautiful sunset...
Almost everyone fell sick.
i was actually fine in the morning. i thought i was strong =X
but i fell sick after a morning nap after breakfast.
No fever though.
Cip was cancelled. i felt disappointed for not being able to complete where we left off.
well this was mainly wad happened to me.
i ate breakfast, i threw out breakfast.
i ate lunch, i threw out lunch.
i ate a pinch of dinner, nothing came out. =)
but throughout the visit to the old market, i was half-dead. horrible feelings back then.
Day 4:
It is truly incredible to be able to visit one of the 7 wonders of the world. =) which is angkor wat.
The experience of riding on the elephant was butt-aching =X but its thrilling and fun=) i want to go again!
i thought that the structures of the building were pretty creative and fascinating. if you carefully observe the details, they are amazing. imagine the time consumed to make such a fantasy place?
wow! =O the hiking was fun though.
i enjoyed it very much!
God bless !
Reflections. :D
Reflections. :D
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Reflections :)
Reflection Time
The things that happened in Cambodia that I feel that it is memorable...
Firstly, the thing that i feel very memorable to me is the visit to the Farm Orphanage. When we reached there, the children welcomed us with flowers. The children were very friendly and interactive. They were very eager to show us around the place. Next, we were entertained by the performances that they had put up for us. Some of them used instruments that i have never seen before. After that they taught us how to weave baskets using rattan. I had a hard time doing it but it was very fun :)... Before we left,we distributed the clothes that we had brought over from Singapore. Despite the fact that they are poor, they were very cheerful and happy. They were very appreciative of what we gave them and cherished whatever they have. I hope that i can go back there again. :D
Secondly, the thing that i feel very memorable to me is the CIP at Krobei Primary School. When we reached the primary school, each group was given a class to teach. Frankly speaking, it was hard to teach the kids as there was a language barrier. In the end, we taught the class from alphabet A to H and from numbers 1 to 20. After the 1hour lesson , we started to paint the classroom, pick up litters around the school and the building of the toilet. My group was assigned to paint the exterior of the classroom block. At first, it seems fun but as time past, we grew tired. The CIP next day was cancelled due to many people falling sick...I hope that we can go back and finish the mural painting. Overall, it was very tiring but fun. We also had the experience of being a teacher for a day... :]
Thirdly, the thing that i feel memorable is the visit to Angkor Wat.Before we went in to Angkor Wat, we had to have our pictures taken. The thing that i enjoyed most was the elephant ride. It was scary at first but i got used to it eventually...It was real fun :P This is also the first time that I am visiting Angkor Wat. I took a lot of pictures of the temples. After that we had a boat ride...It was very enjoyable and we had a chance to experience sunset without anything blocking our view. It is a very beautiful sight that i will remember...
Fourthly, the thing that i feel memorable is the shopping nights we had. Out of the 4 nights there, we were shopping for 3 nights :) All of us had lots of when bargaining and buying things but what the shops sell are similar to what other shops are selling...
Overall this trip is very fun and meaningful. I hope that i can go again next year :) Although we had activities cancelled for one day, i am sure that everyone had a fun time there :D Through this trip, I have learned that we Singapore kids are much more fortunate then them and we should treasure and cherish what we have now...
Going off....
Jasin :)
Overall reflection for cambodia trip
In the times I share at the orphanage, I find it the most memorable as it taught me lessons of life. The children over there welcome us with bright smiles and warm kindness as they performed to us their music and performing talents. They then taught us on playing their instruments. They were patients towards us and their hospitality were appreciated. Many of us were taught on how to weave baskets by them but I was skipping class and instead played with my buddies. I taught them words in eng while they taught me the words in khmer. Having personal interaction with them, I can say that this bunch of orphans are brave and can be our role models in showing us no matter how difficult is life, there is always a gimmer of hope. I believe if I ever feel like giving up, as long as I remember how the orphans survived, I will continue to strive on and be more determine to succeed.
Shopping in cambodia is etched in my mind as it recalled many of us slashing prices of shirts, keychain, puppets and others stuff to nearly half of the original price. It was shocking to know that some of us who was quiet among the us have such a talent in bargaining price. I believe everyone was shopping to their hearts' content as many of us were carrying bags of plastic bags in our arms and have excess luggages. :P (I must confess that I also bought some things)
Angkor Wat really deserve the title of one of the seven wonders of the world. Only those who been there can understand why. The temples, although are ancient and there are some ruins, the temples still stand tall and magnicient. Although the process of climbing the stairs to the peak is tough(the stairs is uneven), but all of us manage to reach to the top and it was really worth it. Jonathan and I instead of walking the normal stairs, steps on the ruins course we lazy to wait for turn by turn to go down. In the end, it was worth the effort to see the temples.
In all, the trip was a great experience for me to see the outside world and get out of the comfort zone. It help me understand life bitter, sweet, sour and spice. It is truly a memorable memories that will etched in my mind forever. (Many of us was sick and vomitting, thus cant complete the painting)
The trip to the Farm Orphanage had left some unforgetable memories for us. Tears had even rolled down some of our faces when we left the orphanage, and tears may be still flowing out when we think back to the very day when we visited the orphans. I can still remember their living environment and conditions very clearly, their selfless and friendly personalities, their helpfulness and their maturity. They would not fight among themselves and would care for each other. This is the kind of attitude that would be rarely seen in Singapore. Even when we gave out clothings to them, they would be waiting very patiently for their turns and would even help their friends to take the clothings and share them among themselves. I dare to say that all of us are touched to see their selfless attitude and graciousness. They taught some of us to dance and even taught us to weave a basket patiently. Till now, I still misses them and hope to be able to see them again. ((:
At the school, we held an hour english class for the children. Each of the group take a class and we used our educational package which each of the group had prepared to teach them. For my class, they already know their ABC and we revised it with them. We even played memory game with them using our print-out cards and we let them kept it afterwards. We sang songs with them and gave out stationaries to each of them. They were smiling when they received our gifts to them. I felt happy to see their smiles. :D Afterwards, we started to work on the two classrooms allocated to us. We moved the tables and chairs out the class and swept the floor. Afterwhich, I learned to plaster cement , and began to cement the holes in the floor. While I was busy plastering the floor, the rest went to build toilets and began to paint the interior and exterior of the two classrooms. We had completed about 70% of the work before we fell sick and couldn't continue our work. D: Although it was tough, all of us had fun and felt that it was worth to do this CIP works when we see the bright smiles on the children's faces. :D
The first word that came into my mind was "BIG" when I saw Angkor Wat for the very first time. We had elephant rides and it was fun although some of us were scared of heights. ((: We went to the temples and had fun taking photos of each other and ourselves. Some even "kissed" the buddha. :D At Tonle Sap Lake, we rode the boat and I saw alots of houses, a church, a basketball court, all floating on the river. It was interesting as it was the first time I saw a floating village. :D In the middle of a trip, our boat was "hijacked" by a young woman selling can drinks. We were shocked to see her jump up to our moving boat and were all worried about her safety. After awhile, her boat came, and she jumped back to her boat. Finally, we reached a part of the lake where we can had a clear and wide view of the sunset. It was another memorable thing that I can still remember. The sunset that we had seen in Cambodia at Tonle Sap Lake could not be seen in Singapore.
Night Market was where each and every one of us impressed each other with our singaporeans' bargaining skills and spirits! ((: All of us had fun bargaining and purchasing our items for our ownselves, friends, and our family members. Sad to say, this was also the place where all of us became "bankrupt". D:
In conclusion, the trip to Cambodia, Siem Reap was a memorable one and it was an unforgetful experience for all of us. Although our day 3 activities had to be cancelled, we had learnt a meaningful lessons from it, " always take good care of ourselves and be healthy" ! I would like to thank our Teachers, MS NEO, MDM ZURINA, MS SEM, MS JARINA, MR GAVIN, and MR ARUN for giving us the chance to experience Cambodia.
and everyone of you out there who went together for this trip ((:
HiHi ^^
Felt very excited when we reach Siem Reap. People are very friendly over there. We headed to the silk worm farm after that, I saw most of the local people drive motorcycle. Next, we went to the primary school to know how it look like. Then we went to land mine museum, land mine really kill a lot people during and after war times. After that, we headed to farm orphanage. We never expect that everyone stood outside the orphanage to welcome us. Next they perform some local dance for us and I learn how to dance monkey dance. Next, some of the them teach me how to write and pronounce dog and cat in their language. I also teach them some english words. In the end of the day, we exchange email address. I really do miss them
We woke up quite early and headed to the primary school. When we reached there, many pairs of eyes are looking at us, it feel so weird. We contact one hour english lesson to one of the classes. Soon after that, we called every students out and give out clothes to the poor family. In the night, we headed to the night market. Many people start to bargain for the price, very funny.
On the third day, more the 50% of us fall sick, thus teacher decide to let us rest until lunch time. Again in the night, we headed to night market for some shopping. Other than that, we also headed to a restaurant to have our dinner. We can watch people dancing when we are eating. The dance is beautiful, and Alex goes up to the stage to take photo with the dancers.
Many of us recovered and teachers decide we should continue our journey. We went to visit Angkor. I felt very amazing that those building can be build by using rock only, not even with nail or clement. On the way there, I sat on an elephant. The feeling is so great because this is my first time to sit on an elephant. When we reached there, we took many photos which included those that "kissed" the budda. Next we ride a boat to see the sunset. It is so beautiful, however it cannot be seem in Singapore as there are too many buildings. Alex get a chance to take over and ride the boat. Everyone cheered for him. Again in the night, we headed to night market to do some shopping.
On the fifth day, we woke up very early. Headed to airport and flight back to Singapore. When we reached there, mdm zurina say something that is very nice and meaningful to me. In the farm orphanage, a child that had to stay there because she is the 9th or 10th child of that family. The family has no money to afford them thus throw the child in the orphanage. However in Singapore, we are not 9th or 10th. We are 1st or 2nd in our parent's hearts. That why we need to be nice in Singapore and treat our parent well
I really missed the children in both the Farm Orphanage & the Krobei Primary School. They have really left a huge impression on me! I've also know how fortunate I am. I am always complaining about things & i didnt know that there are much less fortunate people around me. I've also learnt to treasure the people around me.
The most impactful item was the Farm Orphanage. I shall not elaborate on this post as I've said about the Farm Orphanage in the previous post that i've uploaded together with my group's post.
Following by the Farm Orphanage was the CIP we did @ Krobei Primary School. We picked up litter around the school, clean the tables & also painted the classrooms. It was really a tough job to me as it was the first time I did all these things. Even though we only did 70% of our task, it was rather a memorable experience.
OKAYS i got to go BYE!!!
HI People!!
know i was so unglam in many photos:)
i missed the children in cambodia so much
especially the ones in the farm orphange, though
they didnt have a complete family but they are
more happier than us living a very carefree live..
i feel that i need to learn a lot from them.BYE!!hehe
written a short post..
cer lin..
Friday, November 20, 2009
In my opinion, the most impactful and memorable trip was to the Farm Orphanage!
When we arrived, the children welcomed us by standing at the gate, with flowers on their hands and smiling cheerfully to us. I was touched as they were all very well-mannered kids despite their unfortunate family background. First, they performed some dances and musics to us. Next, they taught us how to dance,play musical instruments and weave baskets. It was a total different experience for many of us there! Although I did not managed to finish weaving the basket, but I enjoyed the process and find it very meaningful. Before we leave, we distributed some clothes to them. They were all very happy to receive it despite they were old clothes. Compared to the children in S'pore, children in S'pore may not even look at the old clothings twice! I feel that this is what we should learnt from them! When it was time to go, I cried because I cannot bear them! Although our time together was short, but I'm sure everyone of us treasure it very much! I will treasure this new friendship and I hope to visit them next year! =)
By: Jingting :D

I'm back here posting again after my long long sleep.X:Hope you guys have enough rest too(:
OK,so let me just share some impactful experiences during the trip.Firstly,the Farm Orphanage!:D See the small cute cute boy up there?Yes,thats my buddy!(very cute right?hahaha,so random!)The orphanage impacted me most during the first day because I finally know that I am really very fortunate.The orphans there are really humble and they are extremely friendly.They show happiness even when they received second hand clothes.They are contented with what they have, unlike many singapore kids nowadays.(:
Next, another event that impact me was the CIP @ krobei primary.Yes,building toilet can be a tiring job, but when i looked at the students(who were curiously looking at us),its seems that everything we did does pay off.Their smiles on their faces seems to be thanking us for helping them. Thus, building toilet isnt that bad afterall(:
Lastly, the elephant ride was another event that impacted me. It was indeed a fun ride even though i was quite nervous at first! It was also a great for us(Mr Arun,CerLin and i) to interact and get to know each other better. We were also able to have a clear view of the Angkorwat with the accompany of the windy weather(:
ok,thats the end!:D byes,